MassCann is honored to announce the first keynote speaker for this year’s Virtual Boston Freedom Rally Presented by Brothers Grimm Seeds.

John Sinclair, and his struggle against unjust cannabis laws, was the spark for the original 1971 Freedom Rally titled, fittingly enough, the “John Sinclair Freedom Rally”.

A quote directly from John himself;

“I was sentenced to 9-1/2 to 10 years in prison for dispensing (giving) two joints to an undercover policewoman in December 1966. I was arrested 33 days after and charged with dispensing narcotics, a crime which upon conviction carried a 20-year minimum mandatory sentence. I was convicted after a long pre-trial attempt to get the law declared unconstitutional because any fool knows marijuana is not a narcotic, but the Michigan Supreme Court ruled that I had to bring a conviction for the crime in order to appeal it. Thus I was convicted in Detroit Recorders Court on July 25, 1969 of possession of the two joints I had given away, sentenced to 9-1/2 to 10 years in prison, denied appeal bond, and delivered to the State Prison of Southern Michigan to begin my sentence. The John Sinclair Freedom Rally of December 10, 1971 wasn’t a tribute per se but a freedom rally to try to gain my release, which was granted three days later on appeal bond by the Michigan Supreme Court. Further, affiant sayeth not.”

Find out more information about John at

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