Robert Melamede

19 hrs ·

December 17, 2016

To whom it may concern,

I am providing this testimony in support of Dragan Alargic. Unfortunately, this testimonial is necessary because world governments have been slow to learn modern science and adjust laws accordingly. To begin with, global cannabis prohibition is based on the Singleton Convention. This treaty was created before the active ingredients in cannabis were even scientifically known. Subsequently, there has been an incredible explosion of scientific literature that supports fully the health benefits made by activists around the world describing the broad health benefits that can be afforded by this plant. The world’s scientific leader, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, has stated “cannabis is a treasure trove of pharmacologically active chemicals.”

Dr. Mechoulam not only discovered the structure and synthesis of THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, but also played critical roles in discovering the endocannabinoid system and its components. We now know, unambiguously, that the endocannabinoid system, found in all vertebrates, literally regulates all human body systems (circulatory, digestive, endocrine, immunological, neurological, musculoskeletal, reproductive, and tegumentary). For example, very time anyone gets hungry, it is because their endocannabinoid system gave them the munchies.

In all of these body system’s cannabinoids, and additionally phytocannabinoids like THC, function as anti-aging compounds through their ability to inhibit the negative consequences of excess free radical production. Cannabinoids, both from the plant (phytocannabinoids) as well as those we produce (endocannabinoids) should be viewed as the oil of life, as an essential nutrient, as a food. They help protect us from the friction of life, free radicals. Free radicals are responsible for all age related illnesses including cancers.

THC acting on CB1 receptors, protects differentiated cells that mainly burning free radical producing carbohydrates as their fuel of choice because it can efficiently produce ATP for energy. Cannabinoids also help protect cells when they are produce too many free radicals, by turning on safe cellular recycling (autophagy) that occurs when cells burn fat as their main energy source. As a consequence of cannabinoid’s ability to regulate both carbohydrate and fat cellular energy sources to optimize homeostasis, they have profound health benefits. Because of their global metabolic homeostatic capacity, cannabinoids function as adaptogens. Hence, they have profound healing properties, clearly demonstrated to the people around the world who use cannabis to treat virtually all of man’s illnesses.

Today, the greatest global harm to humanity results from illnesses that characteristically are caused by, and produce excess free radicals. HIV, for example, has evolved in the highly differentiated immunological cells of primates and man. Successful viral infection requires the carbohydrate based metabolic machinery that supported its evolution. When sugar burning is reduced sufficiently, and replaced by safer fat burning, the viral infection process does not have the energy and resource support required for a successful infection.

With the above information the courts should begin to recognize our human right to consume foods that promote health and longevity. Dragan has adrenal cancer that causes lethally high blood pressure when not controlled. For many suffering this illness no medicines or surgery can successfully control the blood pressure (250/240). Uncontrolled pheochromocytoma typically results in death from heart attack and stroke within a few years as a result of extreme blood pressure. Nevertheless, there are people surviving for decades with this illness, surviving only by their use of large quantities of cannabis

The cannabis awakening is spreading around the world because of the beneficial experiences that people everywhere are having. The people are demanding change. As governments protect the special interests that have helped keep them in power, many people are choosing safer, cheaper more efficacious cannabis-based medicines and nutritional support. I have attached peer reviewed scientific articles showing how cannabis functions to suppress illness and promote health.

Global human health requires is an end all inhibitory policies that suppress the basic human right of Self Determination. Governments and laws that restrict free access to life-promoting cannabis plants and their products are unscientifically accelerating age-related illnesses and death globally. Those responsible, whether through malice or ignorance, must be held accountable before the World Court for Crimes Against Humanity. The worldwide community of Man, hereby demands the world’s governments support the health and welfare of those whom they represent. I urge you to embrace the documentation provided. It only scratches the surface of the benefits that this plant can provide humanity.

Dr. Robert Melamede, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Biology Chairman UCCS (Retired),
CEO and President Cannabis Science (Retired),
Program Director Phoenix Tears, (Denver CO)
Executive Director Masada (Kingston, Jamaica))
Science Advisor, Spannabis (Columbia SA)

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