When it happens in 2012 Newburyport City Hall – Council Chamber, 60 Pleasant Street, Newburyport

Hearing on proposed ordinance to empower police to exercise arbitrary power to arrest and increase fine.
The first time a local ordinance was brought to the council in January 2009 it died.
We can stop it again.
Please be vocal, particularly Newburyport voters who let the councilors at large and their district councilors whose contact information is here: http://www.cityofnewburyport.com/Clerk/WEB/pages/city_council.html

Not a Newburyport voter but know one or more, please let them know.

The local daily paper is the Newburyport Daily News:
Their first story published 11/28 is here:

The first letter to the editor in opposition published 12/14 is here:

The local weekly paper is the Newburyport Current.
Their first story published 12/ is here:

As was the case when racial segregation was the law, it is time for America’s legal system to correct itself. Unfortunately, reform voices are muted.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, referring to the Drug War

Don’t You Mute Yours, Join MASSCANN!