MassCann/NORML Protests Underhanded Moves by State Legislature
Bill passed by just 7 legislators would postpone store openings, reclassify cultivation
The Massachusetts Senate and House voted yesterday to approve a bill delaying the opening of marijuana stores from January 2018 to July 2018 and also exempting marijuana cultivation from the definition of agriculture. This bill, S2524, not only flies in the face of the will of the voters who voted for the January 2018 deadline, it shows contempt for the legislature itself, having been passed, not after three readings to the full House and Senate, but in the course of less than an hour by just two senators and five representatives at a time when the full legislature is not in session.
MassCann/NORML, which has been working since 1989 to end marijuana prohibition, is appalled at this arrogant and cowardly move, whose effect will be to give the black market another six-month monopoly and deprive the Commonwealth of the considerable revenue that it might generate in taxes from January to July. We urge Governor Baker not to sign this shameful and unwise piece of legislation, and we will be protesting tomorrow, Friday, December 30, at the Statehouse at noon. We invite all to join us who think that the will of the voters and the integrity of the legislative process should be respected.
Bill Downing 617-834-8746
Andy Gaus 617-331-3285
there is better way to protest this matter please get a copy 2524 , then re write this bill re en state everything , Then file it with your sen reps / They have to file it in your name . We all do this , then there will be a pile of bill to hear each one has to be heard and file and dated and handle This is better protest as it has never been done Lewis will have nightmare on his hands YOU have to jan 28 2017 to do this
if you like this it will cost you nothing you e mail your bill a number will be place on it and hearing date Please everyone do this The lie of needing time that Lewis did well lets give them work , lost of time on this ,, Please let me know if you like , mine in
massvocals please tell everyone