THE GLOBE editorial staff seems to feel that they know better than the voters when it comes to drugs (“Ruling on marijuana searches leaves behind a strange odor,’’ Editorial, April 25).

Speaking of “an ill-considered 2008 state ballot question decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana,’’ the Globe says that we got it wrong, and that the smell of pot is still an indication of a potential crime worthy of a police stop and search.

Then, reaching for the last refuge of the illogical, the editorial points out that one person searched under the pretext of pot smell was carrying cocaine — a fact, not a correlation.

Along with the majority of voters, I voted to decriminalize marijuana after careful consideration, and it was an easy decision.

Criminalizing drugs has filled our prisons with nonviolent offenders; cost hundreds of millions of dollars a year in Massachusetts for police, prosecutors, courts, and prisons; ruined neighborhoods, and generally set law enforcement against our communities.

Better to let people smoke and deal with the health consequences, than enforce a failed prohibition or use it to enforce other equally illogical drug laws.

Jonathan A. Bower

PUBLISHED: Mass. voters got it right on 2008 ballot question
Boston Globe, April 27, 2011