Sep 16, 2016 | Archives, Boston Freedom Rally, Prohibition
MASSCANN GOES TO COURT TO OBTAIN PERMITS FOR FREEDOM RALLY, 6TH SUIT IN 27 RALLIES For the sixth time in the 27-year history of the Freedom Rally, the Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition/NORML is suing the City of Boston over its unreasonable refusal to grant...
Aug 19, 2016 | Archives, Boston Freedom Rally
The Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition (MassCann/NORML) is presenting its 27th Boston Freedom Rally, September 17 & 18, 2016, on Boston Common. This is a particularly significant rally because the initiative Question 4, To Tax and Regulate Marijuana, will be...
Aug 19, 2016 | Archives, Boston Freedom Rally, Prohibition
The City of Boston is still withholding our permit for The Boston Freedom Rally, our free-speech event on the Boston Common, September 17&18, 2016. There will be speakers, a Teach-In at the Education Village for the voting public to learn about Question 4,...
Aug 11, 2016 | Archives, Boston Freedom Rally
We will meet at the KOP Memorial Bench (first bench you get to walking down from the State House steps on Beacon Street) at 1:30 pm. We will then salute the King Of Pot appropriately, and then we will proceed downhill halfway to the Bandstand and lay out the footprint...
Aug 8, 2016 | Archives, Boston Freedom Rally
This event was canceled due to rain. We will watch for a rain date! Thursday, August 10, 5:00 – 8:00 PM, at City Hall Plaza Why would an avowed alcoholic want to celebrate alcohol and expand it’s appeal all the while keeping a medicinal herb...
Aug 3, 2016 | Archives, Boston Freedom Rally
The Boston Freedom Rally is returning better than ever! Not only will we have great music and inspirational speakers, and a festive atmosphere to enjoy with your friends, but we will also have an Educational Village to present our case FOR repealing prohibition. We...