Who Will Sue? YOU! Your Donations Will Haul the DPH to Court

Even after the legalization of medical marijuana in Massachusetts, patients are languishing without access to the weed they need. This, above all, is because the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), tasked with issuing regulations, has issued regulations that say that any given medical-marijuana caregiver (grower) may only grow for one patient; each patient who needs access to marijuana must find a separate grower or go without access, at least till dispensaries open sometime next century.
“Someone ought to sue the DPH on behalf of patients,” some people have been muttering. Well, now you can help make it happen.
We need to raise $6,000 to engage a lawyer. Donations are already coming in. Two greathearted donors have agreed to match the first $2,000 of donations. You can donate to the Caregiver Fund without leaving this website. Simply choose DONATE from the menu up top and give to MassCann online. Then send an email to treasurer Bill Downing at masscann@Billdowning.com to tell him your donation is for the Caregiver Fund. Give now and your donation will be doubled: $2,000 in donations will turn into $4,000.
We have hopes of making a case that seems clear to us: that the voters mandated access for patients who need it, and regulations that deny access are contrary to the law. It is not a slam-dunk, and previous weed-related lawsuits have not been very successful. But a lawsuit still offers the best hope of getting swift action, like an immediate injunction to suspend the regulations. At a minimum we will generate as much publicity about the issue as possible.