Dear Supporter,
Although we succeeded on Election Day, we must remain vigilant and active. State officials are already delaying implementation and discussing ways to repeal key provisions of Question 4, which voters approved by a substantial margin.
First, please call the office of Secretary of State William Galvin at tel:(617) 727-7030 or toll free in Massachusetts at (800) 392-6090, and urge him to certify election results now so that Question 4 will be effective on December 15, 2016 — the date that personal possession and home grow limits are to be operative.
When you call, be respectful but firm. Voters in the vast majority of legislative districts approved Question 4, and legislators should follow the will of their constituents. Use this map to see how your city or town voted on Question 4.
After voters approved the initiative to allow medical marijuana in 2012, lawmakers politicized the issue and attempted to obstruct implementation of the law. We cannot allow that to happen with Question 4.
Please take just a few minutes to call your state representative and senator right now. (Use button on right to find your representatives.)
We will provide updates as this process unfolds. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely,
Will Luzier
Yes on 4 Campaign Manager