**CANCELLED** Support Dr. John Nadolny at Reinstatement Hearing

Stay tuned for further developments! (Our calls seem to have worked.)

Thursday morning at Mass Board of Registration in Medicine, Dr. John Nadolny needs the support of the medical marijuana community. Please bring signs in support and attend the hearing at 10:30am.

200 Harvard Mill Square, Suite 330
Wakefield, MA 01880
Phone: (781) 876-8200

Call the Mass Board of Registration in Medicine. Reinstate the medical license of Dr. John Nadolny.

Board of Reg in Medicine, 781-876-8200

Governor Bakers constituent services, 617-725-4005

Health and Human Services Office, 617-573-1600

http://www.mass.gov/eoh…/…/departments/borim/contact-us.html please click on the link below and choose a way that’s convenient to you to contact the Board of Registration in Medicine , to get some justice for Dr John Nadolny. His license was wrongfully taken by the Board of Medicine in MA for practicing medical marijuana. The matter has been visited in court and the judge has stated that he has done nothing wrong in his practice, that he was operating in the terms of the law, and that his license should never have been taken from him. The Board of Medicine was ordered to give it back and for the past few months they have ignored the MA courts and refuse to give the license back . Let’s all speak up and make sure the right thing is done. #justiceforDrNadolny for more info on the case please look at previous posts on our page , and make sure to share and like this page to get all the help for John that we can #reinstateDrJohnNadolnynow

To volunteer to help, please click HERE
