On 4/20 call your state and national elected officials

On 4/20 call your state and national elected officials

Please take five minutes out of your surely hectic mid-week day and call your Representative and Senator in Washington and your Representative and Senator in Boston and politely let them know that it is time for them to end the prohibition of cannabis.

All you need say to the aid who answers the phone is “Please let {Title} {Name} know that {Your Name} of {Your City/Town} wants {him/her} to legalize marijuana.

If you can then follow up with an e-mail in the near future, you will be doing your part to end the madness.

For your Congress critters’ and Beacon Hill critters’ contact information go to: http://capwiz.com/norml2/home/

Just type in your zip code and all of our government is laid out before you with the contact information!

Too easy right?! Hope that we can take this opportunity to show our government that we are ready to support them when they make the hard decisions and blaze a new trail with cannabis, new markets, new jobs, and new laws!

As a united community we can do anything!

See the event page on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=120642904677127 ther organization.