Inquiries by of town officials in the Lexington area show caution and skepticism about medical marijuana, but no diehard opposition in most cases. Lexington’s police chief complains about the “purposely vague” definitions of the conditions for which medical marijuana might be recommended (imagine leaving the diagnosis up to the doctor!). In Woburn, town officials are planning to zone medical marijuana dispensaries under the same restrictions as pornography shops.
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From the blog
Activism Local Town Ordinances Write Your Officials
Bill HD.3722
Bill HD.3722 would immediately remove unnecessary burdens from vulnerable social equity businesses before the end of the license exclusivity period. Talking Joints Memo quoted the CCC back in December “The...
Emergency Update for the BFR
BFR Postponed due to Hurricane Lee The only thing that could disrupt the BFR is a hurricane! Our team will be on the Common all weekend working hard to set...
Activism Archives Boston Freedom Rally
34th Annual Boston Freedom Rally Interest Forms
34th Annual Boston Freedom Rally ” Knowledge Is Power” September 16, 2023 noon-8pm Boston Common Interest forms below: Rally Performers- Rally Volunteers- Food Vendor- Speakers/Panelists- Vendor/Sponsorship-
Archives Virtual Education Village
MassCann Virtual Education Village, #26
MassCann Virtual Education Village, #26: Lisa Napert Hosts a Discussion with Leonel Padilla Rodriguez. Please join MassCann for Virtual Education Village #26, “Social Equity, One Man’s Journey”: Leonel Padilla Rodriguez...
Archives Virtual Education Village
MassCann’s Virtual Education Village, #24
MassCann’s Virtual Education Village, #24; Lisa Napert Hosts a Discussion with Michael Goodenough Please join MassCann for our Virtual Education Village #24: Lisa Napert (Member Liaison, MassCann) hosts a discussion...
Archives Featured
MassCann BFR2022 Registration is Online!!
The Boston Freedom Rally 2022 Booth Registration Software is online now! Please register for a booth here The winner of the BFR2022 Artwork Contest is Seth Medeiros, from Bodega...