Lester Grinspoon Speaks at Victory Celebration Dec. 8

Dr. Lester Grinspoon, the world’s most widely published author regarding the medical application of cannabis and thought by many to be the grandfather of modern medicinal cannabis research, was honored at a members’ meeting Dec. 8 at the Summer Shack in Cambridge, along with  pro-cannabis activists Maddy Webster, Mike Crawford (“Mike Cann”), and Matt Allen.

In accepting the honor, Dr. Grinspoon spoke movingly of his experiences in convincing reluctant patients to try the forbidden weed and receiving their grateful testimonials afterwards. He also chided MassCann for settling for medical marijuana in 2012 and not full legalization.

Maddy Webster, a founder and longtime mainstay of MassCann; Mike “Mike Cann” Crawford, past president of MassCann and pot-show radio host; and Matt Allen, of the Mass. Patients Advocacy Group, who headed the Question 3 campaign, filled in the history of MassCann and put forth their visions for the years ahead.

In addition, there was a discussion of whether the terms of MassCann board members should be shifted from starting in March to starting in November.  A vote on that matter will be taken at the next board meeting in March, when elections will be held.