Note: only one politician had the nerve to speak to any of the bad or good bills.
That politician was Senator Michael O. Moore, who let the committee know that he supports S. 1825. He represents the SECOND WORCESTER District consisting of Worcester, wards 5 to 8 (66%), inclusive, Auburn (64%), Grafton (63%), Leicester (65%), Millbury (63%), Shrewsbury (63%) and Upton (68%).
S. 1739, An Act relative to the arrest and prosecution for the possession of marihuana for medical purposes. Protects patients with debilitating medical conditions, as well as their practitioners and designated caregivers, from arrest and prosecution, criminal and other penalties, and property forfeiture if such patients engage in the medical use of marijuana with a physicians recommendation. SPONSOR: Thomas M. McGee
S 1825, An Act clarifying ambiguities relative to Question 2. This bill is very bad! SPONSORS: James E. Timilty , Scott P. Brown , Michael O. Moore, Richard T. Moore , George N. Peterson, Jr. , William N. Brownsberger , Stephen M. Brewer, Michael R. Knapik , Paul K. Frost , Cheryl A. Coakley-Rivera , William C. Galvin , Angelo J. Puppolo, Jr. , Jennifer L. Flanagan , Geraldo Alicea, Susan Williams Gifford , James Dwyer , Michael Brady , Anne M. Gobi , Harold P. Naughton, Jr. , Patricia A. Haddad, Richard J. Ross
H 1279, AN ACT RELATIVE TO CLASS D CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Increases penalty for cultivation and distribution in first instance to Felony. SPONSORS: John J. Binienda, John P. Fresolo, James E. Timilty
H 1280, AN ACT RELATIVE TO FURNISHING FALSE NAME, SOCIAL SECURITY OR ADRESS TO A POLICE OFFICER WHEN STOPPED OR DETAINED. Expands penalty for giving a false name, etc. when arrested to those who refuse to give a name or give a false name “stopped or detained for a violation of a general law, statute, civil infraction, ordinance, by-law, rule or regulation” and authorizes arrest for those who refuse or give false name “whether or not the offense or civil infraction is arrestable.” SPONSORS: John J. Binienda, Cleon H. Turner, John P. Fresolo
H 1536, An Act public possession of marijuana in a municipality. Makes Question 2 inapplicable to persons found in possession of Marijuana within a school, school yard, play ground, public library, municipal owned land, municipal owned building, or municipal owned vehicle. SPONSOR: James M. Murphy
H 1537, An Act regarding the decriminalization of marijuane and local option. Requires local acceptance of Question 2. SPONSOR: James M. Murphy
H. 1667, An Act Relative to Certain Controlled Substances Violations. Exempts first time offenders under age 19 from mandatory minimum school zone/park sentences if substance is in Class D this includes marijuana. SPONSOR: William Pignatelli
H 1763, An Act regulating marijuana possession in schools, businesses and public locations. Notwithstanding Question 2 school committees, employers and people in charge of places open to the public to make rules and regulations prohibiting the use or possession of any amounts of marijuana on school grounds, places of employment and places open to the public. SPONSORS: Cleon H. Turner, Brian P. Wallace, Todd M. Smola, Anne M. Gobi, John D. Keenan, Jennifer M. Callahan, Colleen M. Garry, Geraldo Alicea, Jennifer L. Flanagan, Allen J. McCarthy, Richard J. Ross, Mary E. Grant
H 4006, AN ACT PENALIZING ANY OFFENDER IN POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA IN A SCHOOL ZONE. Makes possession of marijuana a school zone offense with mandatory 2 years!! SPONSORS: Todd M. Smola, Jeffrey Davis Perry, Richard J. Ross , Elizabeth Poirier
H 4007, An Act to criminalize the operation of a motor vehicle while in possession of marijuana. Recriminalizes possession in car including any marijuana that is discovered within the immediate reach of 6 the operator, inclusive of passengers, SPONSORS: Todd M. Smola, Jeffrey Davis Perry, Richard J. Ross, Elizabeth Poirier
Hearing on Medical Marijuana Bill & anti-Question 2 bills
WHEN: Tuesday, July 14, starting at 12:00 p.m.
WHERE: Massachusetts State House’s Gardner Auditorium