Hello Friends of Farm Bug!
Wow, what a week! We’ve submitted our recommendations to the Cannabis Control Commission based upon numerous emails and conversations with farmers. Do you want to see what we sent?
Read our recommendations. (Have thoughts/questions? Send them to eric@farmbug.coop)
We’ve already received feedback from Commissioner Kay Doyle that our recommendations were very helpful to her. But, we’ve got to keep pushing, farmers, if we want to ensure that the legalized cannabis industry is friendly to cooperatives and our farming communities. Is your head still spinning with the 100+ pages of regulations? Well, you’re in luck, because Farm Bug has created a guide! Read our guide here.
Are you still interested in joining the our cooperative? We will be meeting with prospective farmers on Saturday, February 10th. Save that date and stay tuned. Farm Bug will be in touch with a time and location soon. Keep your ear to the ground, my friends, and stay hip to the bug!
(Edit by MassCann = SIGN THE PETITION!)
Your Trusted Source,
Eric R. Schwartz
Farm Bug Co-op
Sign Our Petition to Remove Caps on Co-ops!