Mr. Evans’ “In this prohibition saga, Obama plays Herbert Hoover” contains one factual error. The Jones Act became law in 1929 when Coolidge signed it two days before leaving office.
It also contains one error of omission, he limits his advocacy to freeing each state “to enact, implement and enforce their own medical marijuana laws.” Why stop there? Barney Frank with Ron Paul as the first co-sponsor proposes the equivalent of the 21st Amendment for cannabis in HR 2306 the “Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011” As I write, 19 other members of the House are co-sponsors. Michael Capuano is the only other member of the Massachusetts delegation among them.
Each state should decide how far it wants to go in allowing cultivation and commerce in cannabis, not just for the medicinal properties found mostly in the leaves and flowers, but for the consciousness altering power, its nutritious seeds, seed oil, fiber for textiles and cordage, and inner stalk, almost pure cellulose, an industrial feedstock from which to make methanol, paper, and products made from wood, oil, coal and natural gas. It is as an environmentally friendly feedstock that it will most benefit humanity by creating jobs and wealth.