Social Justice

Archives Social Justice

Criminal Justice Reform Passed

Criminal Justice Reform Passed By Will Brownsberger, on April 4th, 2018 In: Criminal Law. Joint Press Release from the House and Senate More background and detail on the package here....
Archives Social Justice

San Francisco Set to Dismiss Thousands of Marijuana Convictions Dating Back to 1975

“Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom said San Francisco’s move could serve as a model for other jurisdictions. ‘This example, one of many across our state, underscores the true promise of Proposition...
Archives Social Justice

ASA Files Freedom of Information Requests on Opioid Commission

Following the release of the White House opioid report, Americans for Safe Access has asked for information about what was discussed about medical cannabis. ASA’s two requests under the Freedom...
Activism Archives Legalization Social Justice

Join Us For Lobby Day and Make A Difference!

March 22, 2017 Massachusetts State House Beacon Street, Boston 10am-4pm On March 22, activists from around the state will join forces at the Statehouse to insist that our Representatives and Senators...
Archives Cannabis Medicine Published LTE's Social Justice Support Write Your Officials

Testimony in Support of Dragan Alargic, by Dr. Robert Melamede

Robert Melamede 19 hrs · December 17, 2016 To whom it may concern, I am providing this testimony in support of Dragan Alargic. Unfortunately, this testimonial is necessary because world governments have...
Archives Cannabis Medicine Legalization Petitioning Social Justice Support Write Your Officials

**CANCELLED** Support Dr. John Nadolny at Reinstatement Hearing

Stay tuned for further developments! (Our calls seem to have worked.) Thursday morning at Mass Board of Registration in Medicine, Dr. John Nadolny needs the support of the medical marijuana...
Archives Legalization Social Justice The Law

Pot Consumers Must Create a ‘Culture of Responsible Use’

By Dick Evans/Boston Globe/Guest Columnist    Approval by the voters of marijuana legalization, now in effect, imposes a duty on nearly all of us to make it work. “Working” means being...
Archives Social Justice

Support Local Cannabis Advocacy Groups this Holiday Season!

Parents 4 Pot PARENTS 4 POT’S FOURTH ANNUAL CANNABIS POW AND COMMUNITY HOLIDAY DRIVE It is that time of year again and we are excited to be able to help...
Archives Legalization Published LTE's Social Justice

Lyceum at First Parish, Bedford, re Question 4

Nov 18, 2016 | Letter to the Editor Submitted by Dorothy Africa, Bedford Lyceum moderator The Bedford Lyceum at First Parish Church convened a pre-election panel on November 6, 2016 to consider...
Archives Elections Social Justice

Question 4 Passed, But More Social Justice Needed

Our 100+ year persecution of things cannabis and cannabis using people is finally over, for the most part. I got a call this morning from a young gal whose three...