
Archives Prohibition The Law

Federal Task Force Recommends Study, No Crackdown

Federal task force reportedly recommends more marijuana study, no crackdown BY JULIA MANCHESTER – 08/04/17 07:29 PM EDT Marijuana advocates feared that a report released by the Trump administration’s Task Force...
Archives Legalization Prohibition

Bills filed by Massachusetts legislation dismantling Question 4 language

Legislation in Massachusetts has decided not to uphold the will of 1.8 million voters who chose recreational cannabis. See the bills that have been filed that focus on changing the...
Archives Boston Freedom Rally Prohibition


MASSCANN GOES TO COURT TO OBTAIN PERMITS FOR FREEDOM RALLY, 6TH SUIT IN 27 RALLIES For the sixth time in the 27-year history of the Freedom Rally, the Massachusetts Cannabis...
Archives Boston Freedom Rally Prohibition

Anticipation for the Boston Freedom Rally Builds – But Will We Get A Permit?

The City of Boston is still withholding our permit for The Boston Freedom Rally, our free-speech event on the Boston Common, September 17&18, 2016. There will be speakers, a Teach-In...
Archives Prohibition

Mayor of Boston Continues to Battle Patients and Dispensaries for Safe Access

In the Age of Information, now is probably the worst time to be misinformed especially in the public eye. The internet gives us the ability to communicate globally sharing knowledge...
Archives Prohibition The Law

Schedule 1 Ruling in Federal Court Delayed

US Attorney Greg Broderick and defense attorney Zenia Gilg argue in front of Judge Kimberly Mueller. Drawing by Ron Mullins of Sacramento NORML. by Jeremy Daw Judge Kimberly Mueller, the...
Archives Cannabis Medicine Prohibition

BILL DOWNING IN LOCAL NEWS: Defiant Medical Marijuana Activist Opens Cannabis Shop In Allston

CBS NEWS Reports on our very own Bill Downing regarding new shop CBD Please: “I’m doing it for the patients…”   BOSTON (CBS) – Bill Downing isn’t sure if the...
Archives Prohibition

The Daily Chronic – “Incoming Massachusetts Governor Against Marijuana Legalization; Supports Ballot Initiatives”

Incoming Massachusetts Governor Against Marijuana Legalization; Supports Ballot Initiatives Scott Gacek of The Daily Chronic reports: “If Massachusetts is going to legalize marijuana within the next four years, it appears...
Archives Legalization Prohibition

City Council Holds Hearing on the Evils of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Boston’s City Council, now headed by anti-pot airhead Bill Linehan, held a hearing March 4 on medical marijuana dispensaries in Boston that was almost entirely devoted to the potential evils...
Archives Prohibition

The Little Pot Shop of Horrors: a Sample of Boston Herald Coverage

Search results for a typical week of Boston Herald coverage: Virtually all stories below contain one instance of the words “medical marijuana dispensary”; all subsequent references are to “pot shops.”...