Boston Freedom Rally

Boston Freedom Rally

MassCann BFR2023 Registration is Online!!

The Boston Freedom Rally 2023 Booth Registration Software is online now! Booth Registration – Coming this week! The winner of the BFR2023 Artwork Contest is TDogg the Artist 34th Annual...
34th Annaul Boston Freedom Rally
Activism Archives Boston Freedom Rally

34th Annual Boston Freedom Rally Interest Forms

34th Annual Boston Freedom Rally ” Knowledge Is Power” September 16, 2023 noon-8pm Boston Common Interest forms below: Rally Performers- Rally Volunteers- Food Vendor- Speakers/Panelists- Vendor/Sponsorship-
Boston Freedom Rally Featured

MassCann Boston Freedom Rally 2022

Shout out to all artists!! The MassCann Boston Freedom Rally is holding an art contest for the theme artwork for this year’s BFR2022. The theme is “Flower to the People”....
Archives Boston Freedom Rally

Boston Freedom Rally 2017

Last year was the first legal BFR in Massachusetts! Check out the previous year’s rally below!     We did it Massachusetts, cannabis is LEGAL!! Not only that but because...
Archives Boston Freedom Rally

Boston Freedom Rally 2016

Boston Freedom Rally 2016 Danny Danko Boston Freedom Rally 2015 by Bobby Turner The 26th annual Boston Freedom Rally was a success with amazing speakers and different music playing throughout...
Archives Boston Freedom Rally

Boston Freedom Rally, Sept 17 & 18, 2016

Archives Boston Freedom Rally Prohibition


MASSCANN GOES TO COURT TO OBTAIN PERMITS FOR FREEDOM RALLY, 6TH SUIT IN 27 RALLIES For the sixth time in the 27-year history of the Freedom Rally, the Massachusetts Cannabis...
Archives Boston Freedom Rally

27th Boston Freedom Rally

The Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition (MassCann/NORML) is presenting its 27th Boston Freedom Rally, September 17 & 18, 2016, on Boston Common. This is a particularly significant rally because the initiative...
Archives Boston Freedom Rally Prohibition

Anticipation for the Boston Freedom Rally Builds – But Will We Get A Permit?

The City of Boston is still withholding our permit for The Boston Freedom Rally, our free-speech event on the Boston Common, September 17&18, 2016. There will be speakers, a Teach-In...
Archives Boston Freedom Rally

Education Village Walk-Through Today

We will meet at the KOP Memorial Bench (first bench you get to walking down from the State House steps on Beacon Street) at 1:30 pm. We will then salute...
Archives Boston Freedom Rally

Calling Activists to Protest Mayor’s Beer Garden

  This event was canceled due to rain. We will watch for a rain date! Thursday, August 10, 5:00 – 8:00 PM, at City Hall Plaza   Why would an...
Archives Boston Freedom Rally

BOSTON FREEDOM RALLY September 17 & 18

The Boston Freedom Rally is returning better than ever! Not only will we have great music and inspirational speakers, and a festive atmosphere to enjoy with your friends, but we...