The two approved questions

It was the meetings decision that the Speaker of the House Deleo be a target of the Medical Question.

If you live in WINTHROP, or you are a Revere resident he represents please volunteer to collect signatures.
Other legislators targeted for the Medical Question:
Jeffrey Sánchez, 15th Suffolk
Eugene O’Flaherty, 2nd Suffolk
Stephen Stat Smith, 28th Middlesex
Kathi-Ann Reinstein, 16th Suffolk
Two Senate Districts were chosen.
The Senate Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Steven C. Panagiotakos’ First Middlesex Senate District was chosen for a medical question.  His district consists of Lowell, Dunstable, Groton, Pepperell, Tyngsborough and Westford.    Please volunteer to collect signatures if you live in or near one of these municipalities.

The other Senate District is that of Cynthia Stone Creem, Senate Chair of the Judiciary.  Question 2 got more votes than she did running unopposed to represent Newton, Brookline and Wellesley in the Senate. Please volunteer to collect signatures if you live in or near one of these municipalities.
With the hour getting late the members voted that Steve Epstein, Bill Downing and Keith Saunders present to the Board of Directors at their meeting on March 31 a plan for the remainder of the state, including the Berkshires, so if you live west of the Connecticut please volunteer!


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Massachusetts Cannabis Reform  CoalitionNORML
A State Affiliate of the National Organization for the Reform  of Marijuana Laws
P.O. Box 0266, Georgetown, MA   01833-0366
“We shall by and by  want a world of hemp more for our own consumption.”
John Adams  as  Humphrey Ploughjogger,  1763