2010 Freedom Rally News Stories

21st Annual Boston Freedom Rally


Dozens smoking marijuana on MBTA train in Beverly
wickedlocal/beverly (beverly Citizen), September 21, 2010

Thousands Attend Boston Marijuana Rally
Fox 25, September 20, 2010

Freedom Rally hits Common
The Daily Free Press (BU), September 20, 2010

STAFF EDIT: High time for a change
The Daily Free Press (BU), September 20, 2010

A Look at Boston Beyond BC: The 21st Annual Boston Freedom Rally

The Heights (BC), September 20, 2010

Column: Rallying Cry for Logic
The Heights (BC), September 20, 2010


Grassachusetts? Really?
The Bostonist, September 20, 2010

Thousands rally in Boston for legal pot (UPI)
istockanalyst.com, September 20, 2010

Stein at pot rally: Create a Cannabis Reform Commission
Mass Politics Blog, News & views from GateHouse Media New England (wickedlocal) September 19, 2010

Cannabis Afficionados Gather At Hempfest Boston 2010
Thaindian News, September 19, 2010

Thousands rally in Boston for legal pot (UPI)
St. Louis Globe – Democrat, September 19, 2010

Thousands rally in Boston for legal pot (UPI)
The Polijam Times, September 19, 2010

Thousands rally in Boston for legal pot (UPI)
United Press Internation, September 19, 2010

Thousands attend marijuana rally
Police arrest two, issue 34 citations at gathering

The Boston Sunday Globe, September 19, 2010

Gubernatorial candidate Jill Stein, pot rally organizer push for legalization
Joint endeavor

The Sunday Boston Herald, September 19, 2010

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the Suffolk Voice, September 25, 2010